What is SCORM?

SCORM Course

SCORM, or Sharable Content Object Reference Model, is a set of technical standards for eLearning software products. It's like a common language that allows different eLearning systems to talk to each other. Think of it as the USB of the eLearning world - it lets different pieces of hardware and software work together smoothly.

SCORM defines how online learning content and Learning Management Systems (LMSs) should be created so they can work well with other SCORM-compliant systems. It's all about making sure your eLearning content can be shared and used across different platforms without a hitch.

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How SCORM Works

SCORM works by packaging your eLearning content in a specific way. Here’s a simple breakdown:

  • Content is organized into SCOs (Sharable Content Objects)
  • SCOs are bundled into a package file (usually a ZIP file)
  • The package includes a manifest file that tells the LMS how to use the content
  • When uploaded to a SCORM-compliant LMS, the content can be launched and tracked

The magic happens when the SCORM content communicates with the LMS. It can send information about the learner’s progress, scores, and completion status. This two-way communication is what makes SCORM so powerful for tracking and reporting on learner performance.

Benefits of SCORM

SCORM brings a lot to the table for both content creators and learners. Let’s look at some key benefits:

Benefit Description
Interoperability SCORM content works on any SCORM-compliant LMS
Reusability Content can be easily shared and repurposed
Tracking Detailed learner progress and performance data

Interoperability is a game-changer. It means you can create your content once and use it on different LMS platforms without having to remake it. This saves time and money, especially for organizations with multiple learning systems.

SCORM Versions

SCORM has evolved over time. The main versions you'll encounter are:

  • SCORM 1.2 (released in 2001)
  • SCORM 2004 (with several editions, the latest being 4th Edition)

While SCORM 2004 is newer and offers more features, SCORM 1.2 is still widely used due to its simplicity and broad support. When creating eLearning content, it’s important to consider which version your target LMS supports.

Creating SCORM Content

Creating SCORM-compliant content used to be a task reserved for tech-savvy developers. But times have changed. Now, there are user-friendly tools that make SCORM content creation accessible to everyone.

For instance, Trainably offers a modern, user-friendly platform for creating interactive eLearning courses. It supports both SCORM 1.2 and 2004, allowing you to export your courses and use them on any SCORM-compliant LMS. With features like drag & drop content blocks and pre-defined templates, Trainably makes it easy for anyone to create engaging SCORM courses, regardless of technical skill.

SCORM and Learning Management Systems

A SCORM-compliant LMS is crucial for getting the most out of your SCORM content. Here’s what a good SCORM-compliant LMS should offer:

  • Easy import of SCORM packages
  • Proper launching and display of SCORM content
  • Accurate tracking and reporting of learner data
  • Support for multiple SCORM versions

Detailed progress tracking is essential for understanding how learners interact with your content. Trainably, for example, goes beyond basic completion metrics to provide in-depth insights into learner engagement and performance.

LMS Feature Importance
SCORM Compliance High
Reporting Capabilities High
User Interface Medium

When choosing an LMS, make sure it's not just SCORM-compliant, but also offers the features you need to make the most of your eLearning content.


SCORM has revolutionized the eLearning industry by providing a standard way for content and LMSs to communicate. It ensures that your eLearning investments are protected, allowing content to be shared and reused across different systems.

As eLearning continues to grow, understanding SCORM becomes increasingly important. Whether you're a content creator, an LMS administrator, or an organization looking to implement eLearning, SCORM knowledge is valuable.

The future of eLearning is exciting, with new technologies like AI and VR on the horizon. But SCORM remains a fundamental standard that ensures your content can be used widely and effectively.

If you're looking to create SCORM-compliant courses without the technical hassle, consider giving Trainably a try. With its user-friendly interface and powerful features, it makes SCORM content creation accessible to everyone.


Q: Do I need to know coding to create SCORM content?
A: Not necessarily. While traditional SCORM development might require coding skills, modern tools like Trainably allow you to create SCORM-compliant courses without any coding knowledge.

Q: Can SCORM content work on mobile devices?
A: Yes, SCORM content can work on mobile devices if it's designed to be responsive and if the LMS supports mobile learning.

Q: Is SCORM the only eLearning standard?
A: No, there are other standards like xAPI (Experience API) and cmi5. However, SCORM remains one of the most widely used and supported standards in the industry.